
Task description: Today we did a really fun activate because we got to write what we wanted to for the character. I would say its a 10/10 easy but it was not easy to ask my friend what to do because to much chatting.

Number of the week

Task Description: Today we had to  finish two work sheets and then we had to the our number of the week. We got a number that our teacher gave us so we could finish our number of the week. We first had to use the scribble tool and do the number we were told.

Siapo Art in room 109

Task description:

A few days ago we got a paper to practice our Culture patterns but after that we got a paper that had  A leaf on it and we drew on the leaf until it was finish but after fishing that we had to do all the other leafs until every leaf was finished. Then we had to get a sharpie and draw on the pencil. After that we had to go outside and dye our Siapo art.